
Friday, September 17, 2010

We sailed along the Rhode Island Coast to the mouth of Narraganset Bay and then sailed part way in toward Newport before turning on the engine and furling the sails. Opting not to contend with the difficulties of anchoring in a crowded harbor, we called ahead and were assigned a mooring by the Oldport Launch service.
It was about five o'clock when we called the launch for a ride into town. We had our shower bags packed with toiletries and a change of clothes, and we anticipated warm showers at The Seamen's Church Institute, a favorite stop near the waterfront.
But the church was closed except for the nightly AA meeting, so I devised Plan B.
We walked a quarter mile around the harbor to Long Wharf and the Newport Yacht Club, which hosts the Bermuda 1-2 race. I've taken several showers there before and after the race, and I guessed that we might talk our way into two more.
It did take some talking, but we got clean and clothed and then I phoned Capt. Mr. Louie Lagace, my friend who owns a commercial clam boat. He and I had talked about getting together for dinner when we were in town.
Louie met us at Yesterdays Restaurant, where we enjoyed a good meal and some fine conversation.

John, left, and Louie bonded as old sailors will. Then John and I caught a launch back to Robin. The forecast was still good for a departure at noon tomorrow and a straight sail toward Cape May.

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