
Monday, November 28, 2011

Lexi and Samantha are, for the time being, couch potatoes.

I would have taken them out on Bluebird yesterday if there had been a dock. Then it would have been easy to get them aboard.
But the docks were hauled two weeks ago, so to get to the boat now requires rowing. I suspect that introducing the girls to boating aboard the dinghy would not be the most farsighted endeavor.
It was a perfect day on the water, no reefing necessary, but plenty of wind to get the Mariner going, some times in great sprints. We sailed in triangles and circles, with no destination known.
Once again, our only company was a john boat with two guys aboard and the same catamaran-type hydroplane we'd seen a couple of times before, its outboard shooting it across the flat river, the owner and his black dog in the cockpit.
Should have been two black dogs aboard Bluebird. But that will have to wait until April, when the docks return.

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