
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sandy came, went and left a message.
You can't dodge every bullet.
A pin oak with a base nearly four feet in diameter toppled onto our deck at about 10:30 Monday night. We were asleep. The sound was that of a dump truck loaded with gravel falling beside your bed. We were both asleep and came to with the same "What the . . . " cry.
We were very lucky. The tree could have fallen on our bedroom and crushed the roof. Instead, it missed the corner of the house by about a foot.
One branch punctured the roof above the kitchen. When I came downstairs at 4 a.m. to quiet the pups, I heard a dripping and found that the roof was leaking directly into the kitchen sink! Could we be any more lucky?
I put a temporary patch on the hole in the roof after daybreak. We'll wait to deal with the tree until the insurance company has had a chance to inspect it. I suspect the entire deck will have to be replaced because it's sagging under the weight of this impressive tree. There is one hole punched through the deck boards -- about a foot square -- and if you look down on it you can see the broken end of the branch that made the hole, only slightly smaller than the hole itself.
The power came back about five o'clock after being out for about 22 hours. There was very little inconvenience caused by this. It drove us to play a full round of Mexican Train domonoes.
The first report from Maryland indicates that Robin survived intact. The same is true of all our friends' boats, apparently.
The bullet only winged us, and we sail on.

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